The Aardvark Blog
Wow what a ride!
Wow what a ride!
Just a quick blog to thank every-one who came to the inaugural Aardvark Car Boot on Bank Holiday Monday. The sun shone and all concerned had a fantastic time. Thanks also to the stallholders who maintained their good humour despite my general bossiness ( running an event in the time of CV is not for cissies). Thanks to the stall fees we were able to give several hundred pounds to Brampton Bryan Church to help against their shortfall following the cancellation of Scarecrow Sunday.
Thanks also to Jack Brett for stepping in for Deborah Rose and playing two fantastic sets. Seeing people sitting and standing outside - suitably distanced - listening to live music was a real joy and we had lots of positive comments.
Speaking of Aardvark events we are thinking about maybe doing something for Christmas time. Not sure what yet and it will have to be outside, but I think that it is more important than ever that people have safe things to do as this will be a trying autumn and winter and we all need to keep our spirits up. Watch this space.
I have now pretty much finished the whole series of Jim Butcher Dresden novels and I have rarely come across such a great series of page turners. If you are unfamiliar with Butcher's oeuvre the books could best be described as Raymond Chandler meets Harry Potter. As the story goes on the protagonist is faced with a series of moral choices which I think lift the books out of the standard fantasy fare. He is publishing two new books this summer and autumn - I guess one story in two parts - so I am now pausing my Dresden reading until the second part is out and I can read the two together.
I still have mountains of books to sort through from recent house clearances and we are about to put in some large orders with publishers so our shelves will shortly be groaning with Christmas treats. Don't forget our new opening times are 10am-4pm from Tuesday to Sunday ( I have had to turn away lots of people who have arrived after 4pm recently and I hate doing it but we need time to be able to fully clean the shop each day so that it is safe for the next morning).
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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