The Aardvark Blog
Slow start, busy week coming up
Slow start, busy week coming up
One of the peculiarities of Aardvark is that except in the heights of summer, it is very difficult to know how many people will come in to see us on any particular day. Today is a case in point. After a surprisingly busy week Monday to Friday, Saturday has begun quietly and the first customers are only now starting to drift in. One good thing about a quiet morning however is that it gives me the opportunity to catch up on the overnight online orders which this morning were quite substantial.
It also has given me the opportunity to reflect on the week ahead that looks like being a very busy one. Monday I have a meeting to look at some materials for inclusion in our Map exhibition at the end of April. Tuesday we are going out to pick up a big quantity of academic religion; Wednesday I am going to pick up some fantastic DVD's which I aim to have all priced and ready for Easter. Thursday is a trip out to look at some antiquarian books, leaving only Friday for some quiet contemplation and bookish thoughts. It is as they say a fine life if you don't weaken.
Above all though my thoughts are on our Easter programme and our exhibition 'The Garden' in particular. Garry Jones popped in this morning with the first of the pieces he wants to include, and details of some of the other work to be included. It should be quite something when all installed. Meanwhile Lottie O'Leary has been sending in pictures of some of her new work for the exhibition, and it looks different from anything else I have seen from her. It is going to be a fantastic exhibition, so if you are free on the evening of the 24th of March do come out to our Private View.
Sadly my current favourite book - The Flaxman drawings on Dante bound in leather with guilt edges - has now sold, and I am therefore on the lookout for another books to obsess about. Fortunately at Aardvark it is never long before one has the opportunity of buying something special.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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