The Aardvark Blog
The Re-enactment is definitely on
The Re-enactment is definitely on
Having taken a number of calls this morning enquiring what is happening I can confirm that the English Civil War Siege re-enactment that we planned for this weekend is definitely on ( either that or I am hallucinating as I am surrounded by people wearing authentic seventeenth century costumes). Parking is in the field opposite which is dry ( drive carefully at the entrance as it will need to last all weekend).
The sieges today will be at 12.15am and 3.30pm, but there is plenty to see all day including the battlefield historians with models in the warehouse and the living history village on the field. There is also cover to watch the sieges from ( although I would still suggest bringing weather proof outer clothing).
I hope to see you some time over the weekend!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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