The Aardvark Blog
Delayed Thank Yous, looking ahead to the rest of the summer
Delayed Thank Yous, looking ahead to the rest of the summer
A big delayed thank you to the poets who came last Sunday for the first ever Aardvark/Wenlock Books 'Poetry in the Barn'; the audience of over 50 people thoroughly enjoyed the day, from the first words of Pauline Prior Pitt to the closing remarks of Gillian Clarke. It was an audience unlike any I can remember at the bookshop - engaged and yet still and quiet throughout. Our thanks again to the amazing Anna Dreda who managed to plan and run such a fantastic day whilst closing her bookshop of 30 years' standing in the same week. The good news is that we plan to run the day again next year on the 5th July 2020! The poets will be announced on the website next year and we have decided to limit tickets to 60 people so it will be worth booking as soon as tickets are available.
On the thank you front I would like to extend a less delayed thank you to Paul Brooks for again bringing such a fantastic quartet for yesterday's Jazz Brunch. Paul is a fantastic musician and always brings us a superb line-up of players. I was also very touched that he remembered that last year I had requested that they play 'Blame it on my youth' an Oscar Levant tune that was a favourite of Chet Baker throughout his life. This year they ended their set with it and I was I confess very moved at Paul's thoughtfulness. For any-one who wants to catch some of Paul's unique brand of musicianship he and his group play twice a month at Paul's superb hotel 'The Cliffe at Dinham'. See their website for details. Thanks are also due to the young people who worked with us yesterday - no small feat getting out 30 brunches on top of the usual café trade.
Looking forward to the rest of the summer next up is our biennial Civil War Re-enactment on the 10th and 11th of August. We have some special things planned for what is the 375th anniversary of the sieges. Do come along if you have not been before - or indeed if you have! Before then the village will be 'en fete' as they say in France, on the preceding weekend: the annual Scarecrow Sunday on the 4th August, which also features the only time of the year when you can turn up and view the ruins of Brampton Bryan Castle (well worth the price of admission as Edward Harley does a superb commentary). The day raises necessary money to help to pay for the upkeep of the historic St Barnabas Church (one of only 6 built during the years of the Commonwealth).
Finally I have just put up the posters for the Vide Grenier which this year is on Bank Holiday Monday the 26th of August. We have again secured the services of the wonderful 'Blue Moon Blues Band' and there will be hot food and a bar. See you soon for a fabulous Brampton Bryan summer!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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