The Aardvark Blog
Health updates, Vide Grenier news, H.Art, Literary Ludlow, Book Launch: False Lights
Health updates, Vide Grenier news, H.Art, Literary Ludlow, Book Launch: False Lights
Many thanks to all who have asked after Ethel following her car travails. As you will have seen if you have visited the shop and spoken to he,r she is well on the way back to health ( no longer covered in aubergine coloured bruises thankfully). Thank you again for your concern. On other health matters I was delighted to get an email telling me that another of our regular customers was getting out of hospital today after a successful operation. The NHS is often miraculous and we are so lucky to be able to access such great care ( delayed thanks also to Tenbury Minor Injuries clinic for treating one of our re-enactors so swiftly and with such good care. This is an amazing facility which is open from 9am-9pm 7 days a week).
I cannot believe that we are nearly at the end of our summer 2017 programme with only tomorrow's Vide Grenier to come. People often ask me what 'Vide Grenier' means and the answer is simply 'look in your attic'. We first started holding these after having visited numerous VG's on holiday in France, and we hope that the Brampton Bryan version has added some extra elements. Again we will have activities for children, and a fantastic band 'Blue Moon' who will be playing Blues and other tap along music.
But the ending of summer doesn't mean an end to activities at Aardvark. This morning we had a very good meeting with Drusilla Cole who is curating this year's Aardvark H.Art exhibition 'Weft and Warp'. A group exhibition with a textile bias, I am very excited by the range of artists and makers who we will be showing. The exhibition opens at 11am on the 9th of September and we hope that many people will come to view the exhibition during the two weeks which we are open.
Also over that weekend we will be running our first pop-up bookshop at the Ludlow Food Festival as part of a new festival strand 'Literary Ludlow'. We are so excited by the authors who will be coming to talk about their books and their lives at the festival, and all talks will be entirely free to any-one who has paid fair entrance. First up on the Friday we have John Challis talking about the wonderful book he published about his own home Wigmore Abbey. John is one of the country's most in demand actors, but many people don't know about his great passion for all things historical. If you are at the fair do come and hear him.
Finally on the 15th of September from 6pm we are delighted to be launching Katy's new book 'False Lights', an alternative post-Waterloo history and adventure story. If you are interested in history, good writing or just having fun, please join us on the night for a book-signing with a difference.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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