The Aardvark Blog
Good day sunshine Good day sunshine Good day sunshine I need to laugh, and when the sun is out I've got something I can laugh about
Good day sunshine Good day sunshine Good day sunshine I need to laugh, and when the sun is out I've got something I can laugh about
As ever the Beatles are the ongoing font of all wisdom. What an amazing difference it makes when the sun is shining! Here in the Marches we have some of the most stunning countryside in Britain, and at our Aardvark Books book barn we are surrounded by the most beautiful hills and river valleys.
Having had yesterday off to recover from what was another busy week last week (we acquired a fantastic collection of hard core cookery books, and sundry other second hand books), I am back in the bookshop with J this morning helping to pick and dispatch orders to our online book customers all over Britain and indeed the world. To any overseas customers who have ordered books online from us this year, my apologies if your items have been delayed, as a combination of Covid and Brexit have wreaked havoc on dispatch schedules for all carriers.
The sunshine has made me think about our plans for re-opening and also for the rest of the year. We will be cautious in emerging from hiding (aardvarks after all are shy, nocturnal creatures), but I do hope to be back to an open book barn and café takeaway - no drinking inside! - tea, coffee and cakes from the 12th of April. We are also hoping for another sensational car boot sale in May, perhaps, and maybe some more over the summer. Being vey careful... but I know lots of stallholders are really anxious to come out and do an event (I know because they keep calling me!).
In the interim, let's just all continue to enjoy the sunshine and think of all the holidays and treats in store in the future. Hopefully a trip to our Aardvark book shop will be one of those treats for many of our customers.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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