The Aardvark Blog
Busy Week, Tickets for Presence of Absence, June and staying in the area
Busy Week, Tickets for Presence of Absence, June and staying in the area
Due to the combination of Half Term and the Royal Jubilee we have had a busy week this week both in the shop and in online sales. My apologies therefore if I have seemed more than usually frazzled - sometimes juggling so many balls in the air makes me feel a little giddy.
I am continuing to try to move into the shop some of the wonderful books we have bought over the last month, but however many titles I process the piles do not seem to diminish very much. We have a double deadline of the Poetry day next Sunday and our July sale which starts on the 2nd of July so the coming week will see some fairly frenzied book moving and processing. In particular our fiction section is looking great at the moment and there are lots of uncommon titles alongside the perennial favourites. It has been pleasing to see that a large pile of P G Wodehouse which I put onto the shelves last week immediately sold. I can think of no better tonic for our current troubled age than the great master himself.
Thinking about the poetry day - The Presence of Absence - makes me realise that there are still some tickets left for this event and if you do want to come, now is the time to book. To do so either call/come in to the bookshop or better still contact Anna Dreda direct at . I am so looking forward to a return visit from Gillian Clarke and Ethel has been reading out pieces from Pamela Petro's book 'The Long Field' for weeks.
Following on from next Sunday's poetry spectacular, I am looking forward to being able to spend a whole month working through my book stocks ( my favourite part of the job) and who knows perhaps unearthing the odd gem or two. We have a big academic book buy coming up and who knows what else will turn up. June is one of the best months of the year to visit Aardvark as we are not as busy as in high summer but the countryside and surrounding farm look spectacular. Don't forget for those planning a trip to the area to visit us that there are some great places to stay in the village Lower Buckton and Upper Buckton as well as down the road in Ludlow, Leominster and elsewhere.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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