The Aardvark Blog
Even more art books, planning for Easter
Even more art books, planning for Easter
I am taking a breather from processing art books we bought at the London Bookfair, and instead am working through a wonderful library of mostly art and graphics titles. Some unusual books on Hockney, David Jones and Lucien Freud amongst others, as well as a good selection of classic and contemporary fiction. Only another 15 boxes to go and I can get back to finishing off the London Bookfair titles.
Meanwhile we are getting excited about our next two exhibitions - 'The Flower Garden' and 'Out of the Hills'. Both include a number of artists who have not shown at Aardvark before, alongside artists such as Lottie O'Leary who have shown here previously but not for many years.
The year is definitely building up with lots of customers through the shop and and increasing number of online orders. I can't wait until our new website goes live - more news in subsequent blogs.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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