The Aardvark Blog
Antiquarian Sales, children's books, Frankfurt preparations
Antiquarian Sales, children's books, Frankfurt preparations
Today brought another good antiquarian sale - the two volumes of the Sullivan tour, that had once graced the library of William Beckford. Although Antiquarian sales are a small part of Aardvark Books activity, I always like handling old books and it makes a change from our usual fare.
As one book leaves, a number of antiquarian volumes arrived. Ready for next year's great map exhibition I have just purchased a good copy of John Price's 'Historical Account of the City of Hereford with some remarks on the River Wye', printed in Hereford in 1796. This wonderful book follows in the tradition of the picturesque writings of Gilpin - the author of another celebrated book on the river wye of a few years earlier. This copy was owned by a member of the Southall family who were one of the great families from the south of the county, and also includes a few superb notes in contemporary copperplate handwriting. All in all a wonderful book, and a fantastic object for which to act as custodian - if only for a brief moment.
But it would be a mistake to think that everything today has been on such an elevated plane. I have also been out buying new books including a lot of stories and educational materials from Scholastic, cookery and gardening books, novels and even a box of children's witches capes. Aardvark is nothing if not eclectic.
Meanwhile preparations for Frankfurt continue. I have just ordered our currency - on Travelex, what a fantastic deal - recontacted Jim Oldroyd who is for the last time our host for the fair ( incredibly the ageless Jim has decided to retire), and checked our flight times for the third time ( these days since I rarely travel I seem to have become a much more nervous traveller). How strange it will be to be at Frankfurt without Edward. It is always a great excitement to see what great books the publishers have come up with, and to know that many of them will be shortly making their way to the tranquil shores of Brampton Bryan.
Finally we were all very sad to read the interview with Linda Bellingham in the Telegraph earlier in the week. Linda was a star guest at our food fair a few years ago when she was filming her series for ITV. A nicer, more professional person it is hard to imagine. That she should have such a short time left seems incredibly cruel. A great talent, and a super human being.
And finally finally how great has Jo Brand been on 'another slice of the bake off'. Witty, original and enthusiastic. We were so lucky to have her at this year's food fair.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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