The Aardvark Blog
A return to normality?
A return to normality?
After a period of many months of mad-cap activity we are at last returning to something more approaching normality, and it feels good to be able to concentrate on the simpler process of buying fantastic books and selling them. Last week I made a foray and found a wonderful collection of books on literary subjects - including books on Shakespeare, the Bloomsbury group, German culture and much more.
New parcels of books appear almost on a daily basis and my only worry is that there are not enough hours in the day for me to process them. I am still working through the books we bought in Frankfurt (about half way through processing those), and now large piles of new and exciting titles have joined them and are jostling for time and space. Meanwhile the shop has been busy (both in terms of visitors and online orders), and there are simply not enough hours in the day to get things done. So it truly is a return to normality.
But to delve back into the past my thanks to all the Aardvark team who worked the October Brocante -probably our busiest ever. Fantastic weather enticed the public to come out and purchase a steady stream of bargains (lots of bags containing improbable objects), and we even managed to take the tents down before it started to rain (thank you Jonathan)! There is one more opportunity to enjoy an Aardvark market, this time on Sunday 9th of December when we have our Christmas Fair. Stalls are now booked, but we have a reserve list and usually a few of our reserves do make it through. So make a date in your diary!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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