The Aardvark Blog
RSC 'Much Ado', new books, Welsh and World Book Day
RSC 'Much Ado', new books, Welsh and World Book Day
Crazy morning in the bookshop!
Our weekly Welsh class have been evicted from their usual spot and are hiding upstairs in one of the fiction bays. Meanwhile the BookBurrow has been invaded by some wonderfully behaved children from Bucknell School who have come in for World Book Day. Bucknell has got a very good reputation locally, and seeing how interested and engaged the children are, I can see why.
The Welsh group are not too unhappy however as they get to use one of the comfy sofas for their study groups. Meanwhile other customers are coming in for cakes and cards, and I am trying to do some research about a rare map that I have been offered for our map exhibition starting on the 2nd of May. Catherine meanwhile is combining booksales with putting on part of the small library of books on mountaineering that came in on Tuesday. By lunchtime all will be calm again, but I love nothing better than seeing the bookshop busy with human life.
Yesterday I have a very interesting conversation with a customer about Westmorland who called to order a book. Such interactions are the heart and soul of a bookshop, and make working here so worthwhile.
We had one cancellation this morning from the walk, so were able to give a place to one of our reserve list. If you have booked and can't make it please do let us know.
Last night we were in Leominster for the live screening from Stratford of their new production of 'Much Ado About Nothing'. A very imaginative production, some marvellous performances. How great are the live screenings you can now get from Stratford, the National Gallery, Covent Garden and the Met. A superb way to spread the reputation of our leading companies. I still remain a huge fan of Joss Whedon's 2012 film version of the play. For me the best Beatrice and Benedict I have seen in the theatre or on screen.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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