The Aardvark Blog
Why does dealing with publishers need to be so frustrating
Why does dealing with publishers need to be so frustrating
After some discussion I was eventually put through to some-one in publicity. Her initial reaction was to indicate surprise that any-one would be interested in a backlist title, and then after some time she came back to me to say that sale or return copies for events were handled by Telesales.
Apparently it was inappropriate for me to be given their number, but she assurred me that they would call me straight back. I expressed some incredulity at this having spent some decades in the book trade and being able to count the number of times any publisher has called me back on the fingers of one hand. No I was told, this time things would be different. I made my call at 9.15am, and I am writing this at 14.15 some five hours later. If you know anything about British publishing you will be unsurprised to hear that no return call has been received. Plus ca change, plus c'est la meme chose.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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