The Aardvark Blog
New Year 2017
New Year 2017
I can't believe that we are already a week into 201, and it has begun to feel as if Christmas never happened. So many things happening in 2017 at Aardvark, and they will almost all be included in our brochure which is due out at the end of the month. Obviously the principle highlight will be the latest outing of the Aardvark Re-enactment on the 12th and 13th of August, but there is also a wonderful programme of exhibitions, markets, music events and much more.
We are working with local accommodation providers with regard to the re-enactment weekend, so if you are looking for places to stay please contact us.
The first week of January was surprisingly busy, but now that every-one is back home and back at work, no doubt things will hunker down for the beginning of winter proper. I always like this time of year, as it is the only time that we get to think about the business and work on the things that need repairing and replacing. This year we are looking at changing the woodburner, and also doing something about the gravel on the car park. I also have in mind my long-term project of clearing books from the warehouse, the ultimate aim of which is to have a massive sale in July (rather than our usual January Sale).
The first Aardvark email outlining our various forthcoming activities will be going out next week, so do email us if you would like to be put on the list.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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