The Aardvark Blog
Aardvark News: dispatches from behind the lines
Aardvark News: dispatches from behind the lines
Well yesterday was the day that this dime store plague really started to get serious for us. Due to a history of asthma and meningitis Ethel Aardvark has been quarantined and is no longer allowed to come into the bookshop. Needless to say this has been hard to take and it means that the Aardvark team now consists of Arthur and Rachel who is trapped in the warehouse booking in the large deliveries we picked up last week.
Thank you for all the kind messages of support they are appreciated. The good news is that we are fine and there are some advantages to being in the depths of the country surrounded by fields with cows in them.
In other news orders continue to come in and we are dispatching as normal. Do expect some parcels to take a little longer as all the carriers are under pressure.
On the subject of books there are some fantastic new craft titles coming in and I will try to prioritise getting them into stock as I know that many people are at home working on craft projects.
Finally I thought I should say that yesterday I finished the new Donna Leon - Trace Elements. Not a vintage DL but she is always worth reading. Just started 'The Venetian Game' the first in a series of detective stories also set in Venice by Philip Gwynne Jones. Reminds me of the light detective novels that Ian Pears wrote early on in his career before he published 'Instance of the Fingerposts'. Also not sure if I have mentioned it before but if you are looking for well written trash on TV 'The Majorca Files' on Iplayer are terrific - and guaranteed to make you smile.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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