The Aardvark Blog
2014 comes with a fast forward button
2014 comes with a fast forward button
It only seems minutes ago that we were washing up dishes after our New Year's Day party and thinking about all the days of reading and record playing that stretched ahead of us. But free with 2014 I seem to have been given a fast forward button, which means that the month is already half over, and the rest of the year is charging up at me like a rhino.
Our first big project for the year has been the rebuilding of our Aardvark kitchen. Although every-one has done valiantly, last year it became clear that when we are busy our old galley kitchen really wasn't big enough. Now for 2014 we have expanded the kitchen, and are in the process of adding new appliances to make it easier to serve customers. We are also going to be adding a few new products, and we have plans to increase the range of what we offer throughout this year. Watch this space.
The website continues to throw up new opportunities, with a growing number of people finding us on line, or contacting us having seen the website. There is lots more content to add, and I am finding it hard to fit everything we want to do into the hours available. On an entirely non-business topic this month's Vanity Fair magazine ( just one of the periodicals available for perusal in the bookery ), has an extract from a new biography of e e cummings by Susan Cheever. I have loved cummings verse since I first came across it as an adolescent - something else I have to thank the wonderful English department at St Albans School for - and it is pleasing to discover that the man himself was as remarkable and warm as his writing. Our poetry section is very strong at the moment, and although there are no copies of cummings collected poems, we have a number of books of Ezra Pound, Eliot, Wallace Stevens et al.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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