The Aardvark Blog
It Never Entered My Mind
It Never Entered My Mind
Two weeks ago we got in some Jazz CD's into the shop and yesterday I borrowed one to put in the car CD player ( I am trying to avoid Radio 4 at the moment for reasons that do not need explanation). The CD was the Miles Davies Quintet album "Workin' ", one of four realised on the New York Prestige label that were based on two legendary sessions at the Van Gelder Studio.
I already had "Cookin' ", but have been looking for the other three for some time ( not realising that one had actually come in to the shop). The first track on the CD is 'It Never Entered My Mind' a wonderful Richard Rogers tune from a show that I don't think is now performed very often. It is the only track on which John Coltrane does not play and showcases a wonderful series of Miles solos, superbly backed up by Red Garland on Piano and the incomperable Jones/Chambers rhythm section. Truly it took my breath away and it is still running in the background of my mind as I write this. Music is the best of all releases and one of the elements of my life that has meant the most to me.
Next week is looking very busy ( an Exhibition opening on Friday, Easter Event on Saturday and a visit to the bookshop by a local group on Tuesday night). Also the schools have now broken up and if yesterday afternoon is anything to go by I expect to be busy for the next couple of weeks. Again music can provide a welcome distraction from the rushing and the business and I am very much looking forward to the return of the Trevor Davies Trio on Saturday for that reason. Join us if you can.
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