The Aardvark Blog
Bookfair books all stowed away, Art of the Print, Out of the Hills etc
Bookfair books all stowed away, Art of the Print, Out of the Hills etc
After a titanic effort from all concerned last week we finally processed and got onto the shelves and tables all the books that we brought back from London Bookfair. Needless to say the shop is now looking as crowded as ever. Last week - bizarrely - we were also ordering 2019 Calendars and Christmas card packs - some great designs and super value too. Truly it never stops here at Aardvark Towers the home of all good Aardvarks.
Yesterday I was picking up works for our next exhibition 'The Art of the Print' and wondering at the breadth of material that can be produced through the myriad of different print processes. Next week we will be hanging the exhibition so I am expecting the usual late nights and heartache. Still we have a fantastic selection of work, and if you like prints or have ever been introduced in what it means when for example a work is described as a 'mezzotint' then this is the show for you.
In every exhibition I have my favourite works, but this time it is really hard to pick a single item out of the different show stoppers to be seen. I could say more, but you will just have to come and see for yourselves.
Also on the agenda this week has been publicity and arrangements for our following show 'Out of the Hills' a successor to the very popular Shropshire Hills Art Week that we have been running here for the last few years. This show contains work by numerous artists and craftspeople whom we have never shown here, and I am really looking forward to see it hung. Jill Bagnall will be the first glass artist that we have ever shown at Aardvark, which will be another first for us this year.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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