The Aardvark Blog
Books, books and more books
Books, books and more books
Last week's cold snap made for a quiet week in the shop, which nature loving balance, made this week really busy at times. In between serving customers I bought two medium sized parcels of books, and had many more brought into the shop for me to look at. I have another visit booked for next week and thus my attempt to clear the warehouse of books that I bought earlier has somewhat gone on hold.
Still we did find time last night to slip out to Leintwardine to watch the excellent Spike Lee film 'Black Klansman' - an Oscar contender in several categories. Well worth viewing.
Lots of great things coming up in next month's Borderlines Film Festival. Aardvark is sponsoring the Premiere of 'White Crow' on the 9th of March and I understand tickets are going fast so well worth booking to avoid disappointment. The film is a bio-pic of Nureyev directed by Ralph Fiennes, and features some of the hottest young stars of the ballet world. Not to be missed.
Before then we have the Lightprints Bookclub at 6.30pm at Aardvark on the 19th of February, and the next installment of the fabulous Poetry Breakfast on the 27th of February at 9.30-10.30am.
We are also starting work on our new website, so maybe you will have a surprise next time you check out this blog.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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