The Aardvark Blog
Aardvarks back in the saddle, Jazz Brunch and Sale, Forward to the Re-enactment and the autumn
Aardvarks back in the saddle, Jazz Brunch and Sale, Forward to the Re-enactment and the autumn
After two weeks away in la belle France the Aardvarks are back and in the saddle, and looking forward to a summer of great stuff. Many, many thanks to the team for making everything run so smoothly in our abscence ( the shop is looking suspiciously clean, neat and tidy and I am starting to wonder if I myself am the source of the mess and disorder).
France was fantastic ( as were the prices), and it is great to see the country going through such a positive mood. The Cote D'Or where we spent the majority of our time is a magical part of the world, and what a thrill it is to drive through quite, neat villages that have the names of the finest white and red wines in the world. Also nice to see that a number of bookshops - both new and secondhand - are doing well there.
But back we are and the first order of business is the Jazz Brunch and sale which starts on Saturday. With regard to the Brunch, there is no need to book, but if you are planning to come it would be helpful if you let us know so that we have an idea how many to cater for. We are so excited that the Ludlow Jazz Collective Quartet will be playing here for the first time, and we hope that this is the first of many performances by them at Aardvark. The Sale will include massive amounts of unsorted warehouse books from £0.50 as well as discounts on everything in the shop.
We are so excited to be invitiing back the English Civil War Society on the 12th and 13th of August, and are still working on plans to make that as successful as possible. It is looking that they will be providing a full complement of re-enactors and a packed Living History Village, so make sure that you make a note in your diary to come. If you are planning on staying at the Milebrook House, Lower Buckton, Upper Buckton or Walford Court, you will receive free entry to the event on both days.
Now back to the grindstone for me - those new books won't process themselves!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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