The Aardvark Blog
Extraordinary evening at Brecon
Extraordinary evening at Brecon
A quick blog to say that the aardvarks are today recovering from the most extraordinary concert last night at Brecon Jazz. Taraf de Haidouks are a Romanian Gypsy Brigand band, and their music is quite unlike anything I have ever heard before. I am still not sure whether I enjoyed the evening or not, but it was certainly an incredible experience. The music is played mostly at great speed and the combo are often straining at the outer edges of cacophony. If you have ever wondered what three accordions played at the same time sound like, wonder no more.
So much of jazz and indeed classical music, takes elements from gypsy music that one thinks instinctively that one knows what it sounds like. The reality is that one has only heard it in a mediated form. True gypsy music of the sort that we heard last night, is the music of sex, violence and death. Designed to be played at weddings, village gatherings and funerals, it demands an outdoor setting and dancing, and within the restrained surroundings of Brecon theatre it seemed to overwhelm the space and those of us within it. Taraf are one of life's great musical experiences, and the individual virtuosity of their playing is remarkable. I would suggest a seat somewhat further from the stage than we selected and if you can find them playing at an outdoor venue so much the better.
Whilst we were only able to catch one act this year, overall the Brecon programme seems both balanced and intriguing. In particular the Courtney Pine/Zoe Rahman duo looked a really interesting combination. More on today, but sadly we will not be getting back there. Still there is hopefully always next year.
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