The Aardvark Blog
Website, wind, new books
Website, wind, new books
What looked like a few small arrows on Liam's weather map yesterday, has become a howling gale that has knocked down signs, taken down our power ( now fortunately back up again ), and rattled the windows and doors. A few hardy customers have blown in through the front door, but I am not expecting hoards of people if this keeps up.
The last few days we have been testing the part of our website which uploads stock and this seems now to be working ok. A few more days of testing and we will have all the elements ready. We then need to decide whether to go live this side of Christmas, or wait until things are a bit calmer in January.
Notwithstanding the elements new books continue to come in and be processed. Some very funny Punch humour collections from the end of the nineteenth century yesterday ( Edward Aardvark quite amused by the Irish volume although sensibilities have changed somewhat ).
A nice copy of the Taschen Redoubte Roses in Folio this morning, a Rosemary Verey guide to the Winter Garden published by Frances Lincoln, and sundry Evelyn Waugh paperbacks have all made there way past the front desk and on to Catherine for filling. Also today we are getting the warehouse sorted out for Sunday's Christmas Fair. I am very much hoping that the arrows will disappear and we have some calm, dry weather here. This is our last event of 2013, and after so much success with our events programme this year we would like to end on a high note, so if you are in the area do come and join in.
The event programme for 2014 is well under way and we are really excited by what we have planned. We are now booking events for 2015, so the forward thinking gets more and more each year. Still between now and then we have Christmas, and getting orders out and helping order books for our customers is top priority at the moment. We are open until 7pm tonight and the next two thursdays, for those who cannot get in to see us during normal hours.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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