The Aardvark Blog
Opening times over Bank Holiday Weekend and Half Term
Opening times over Bank Holiday Weekend and Half Term
I have been taking quite a few calls over the last few days to confirm our opening times over this weekend and the Half-Term holiday. Just to confirm we will be open as usual everyday ( and indeed our next scheduled day to be closed is Christmas Day), so you have no excuse! Opening times during the week are 9am-5pm, Saturday 10am-5pm and Sunday 10am-4pm.
This year's exhibition programmed began superbly with 'The Garden' and carried on with our most successful ever 'Map Exhibition'. Next we have probably our most interesting ever SHAW exhibition, which opens on the 4th of June. Last year a lot of the works got snapped up at the Private View, and then there were many disappointed faces during the rest of the run. If you have it in mind to purchase from this year's exhibition, do try to come on the opening Saturday.
Following SHAW we then have two exhibitions 'An Actor's Life' and 'Marking Time'. The quality and variety of what we are showing in our exhibition programme this year is truly awe-inspiring, and I am very grateful to the artists and crafts people who are helping to make it such a success.
Stallholders have just started setting up for tomorrow, so we should have a fantastic Brocante/Flea Market also.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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