The Aardvark Blog
John Challis Re-Remembered, Christmas Presents, thoughts on 2022
John Challis Re-Remembered, Christmas Presents, thoughts on 2022
Thank you again to all the stallholders and visitors who came out on a fairly bedraggled day last Sunday (24th) for our October Car Boot Sale. I am glad to say that bargains were found, and thanks again to Norrie for playing even in the most inhospitable of conditions.
One joy about our markets is that we are often joined by our friends Kim and Rob from the award winning Cottage Herbery. They are amongst the most positive people I know, although the last couple of years have been pretty hard for all nurseries and plant growers, as Easter has happened twice during lockdowns. Inevitably our conversation turned to their late friend John Challis about whose death I wrote a few weeks ago. They had recently attended his very moving funeral and we were able to share some stories and together pay homage to a truly special person.
Kim and Rob had been key members of the team who turned John and Carol's garden into the outstanding spectacle that it is today. If you want to see the garden or the house that they restored copies of John's book on 'Wigmore Abbey' are still available.
This week we have been very busy with half-term visitors and I have struggled to find the time to process as much of our Christmas stock as I would like. Still the shop is bursting to overflowing with fantastic potential presents, and given the uncertainty of the next few months I would urge you to come and have a look. This morning John Austin one of our brilliant card suppliers is coming with further supplies of Christmas cards, so we should be back to a full display before the day is out. I cannot remember a time when people have been buying so many cards, and I think many people are planning to reach out to friends and family this year.
Whilst we have completed our events programme for 2021- I am so sorry that for health reasons we have decided not to run our Christmas Fair as it is probably my favourite event of the year - but we are already thinking about next year and have a few things to report. Firstly poetry breakfast will be starting again from March 2022 and Anna has some fantastic themes in mind. Secondly Easter weekend falls a little later next year on the 16th and 17th of April and we have been planning a fantastic plant and gardening event for the Saturday as i think all our gardens could do with a boost.
Thank you again for all the support we have had over the last extraordinary couple of years. Last night Ethel finished working on last year's accounts and thanks to our brilliantly supportive customers we have largely come through financially unscathed. The stress and impact on our staff however has been another matter and I am really grateful to everybody who has worked for us over that period. News of Aardvark alumni comes in from time to time. We recently had a very nice email from Rowan who worked for us for many many years - her last outing with us was for the amazing Civil War Re-enactment of 2019 - and who has now graduated with a 1st and gone to work for a Museum programme. Many congratulations to her and to all of those who we have had the good fortune to employ over the years.
Finally thinking about our last Re-enactment makes me want to mention that we will again be celebrating the two sieges of Brampton Bryan castle next August (12th and 13th). This will be the last time we host the event so please do put the date in your calendar.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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