The Aardvark Blog
New Year Resolutions
New Year Resolutions
Back at work after a week's break for New Year, and immediately met by an outbreak of the Januarys in which nothing works properly, and everybody seems like half of them is still on holiday.
Still I have spoken to our web gurus and the website will finally be up at the end of this week ( Yes I know I was promising the same last July ), our new bookshop leaflet will be ready at the end of January, and our programme for 2014 will be up on the website this week.
First order of priority is having a big sort out for our first ever Aardvark Books sale and the end of the month. The sale marks 10 years of Aardvark Books - a landmark in itself for a book trade that has changed out of all recognition during that decade.
I am already getting enquiries from people asking us to look at books, so the usual round of book buying will be underway this week. New stock is the life and soul of a bookshop, and I am pleased to say that our buying has been consistently good for the last five or six years. Last year we set a record in terms of the the number of titles new to the shop that we took in ( over 25,000 titles new to the bookshop were taken into stock over the year ). Let us hope that this year will be even better.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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