The Aardvark Blog
Art of the Print, Blue Haze Quartet, new cake selection, looking forward to the Brocante and beyond
Art of the Print, Blue Haze Quartet, new cake selection, looking forward to the Brocante and beyond
The fantastic weather over the Bank Holiday weekend was a real joy, and made a great opening to our art show 'The Art of the Print'. Thank you again to the artists Dru, Michael and Stephen who helped us to put the show together. If you haven't seen the show yet you have one more week to do so!
Friday night we had a great evening with Simon Deeley and his Blue Haze Quartet. Simon has been playing regularly with this new line-up for less than a year, but already has been picking up a following. It was a brilliant evening and many thanks to those who came. Speaking of jazz don't forget that we have a return visit from the Ludlow Jazz Collective as part of our Jazz brunch on Saturday 14th of July. Paul Brooks will be bringing a slightly changed line-up and we can't wait to hear them play again. I think it is no secret that that gig was my favourite of all the live music we put on last year ( although it could have had something to do with the blueberry pancakes we had on offer).
Another music date to confirm is a return for Blue Moon who will be playing at our Vide Grenier on the 27th of August. Nick Hurt and his friends make a wonderful bluesy sound, so lets hope that we get as good an allocation of weather as we had last year.
Our next event however will be our ever popular May Bank Holiday Brocante on May the 28th from 9am-3pm. We have our biggest ever line-up of stalls and I can't wait myself to see what bargains are available. Come early or miss out!
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