The Aardvark Blog
Back to life, back to reality
Back to life, back to reality
After a crazy, but generally very successful weekend, Arthur Aardvark had an exhausted day off yesterday and after an e arly night returned to the shop this morning with renewed purpose. By this afternoon we had had over 400 people through the exhibiton and had made some encouraging sales across the board.
Mounting an exhibiton during H.Art is always slightly frustrating as one is never able to visit other shows, but people tell me great things about Bronte Woodruff's exhibition just down the road from here at Yatton, and the two other exhibitions in the village here are excellent. A picture of our exhibition is included and as you can see it certainly lives up to its title of 'Volume, Contrast and Brilliance'.
After a desperate error on Saturday night when we arrived to hear Eleanor Alberga's piece for the 'Last Night of the Proms' just as it was finishing, I finally caught up with it on Iplayer yesterday. A total triumph that used all the resources the Albert Hall has to offer. Eleanor's music will again be featured in the wonderful boutique music festival Arcadia which takes place over the first weekend of October. Aardvark Books will be hosting a poetry reading by Pele Cox at 3pm on the Saturday and I hope that as many people as possible will hear Pele read her extraordinary work.
Meanwhile I have made all the necessary arrangements for the Aardvark visit to the Frankfurt Bookfair next month, am still working slowly through the large pile of books that I have acquired recently and Ethel Aardvark is getting ready to attend the Booksellers Association conference this weekend. Always great to hear about what is coming in the future and to rub shoulders with the gratin of the British bookworld. Meanwhile back in Herefordshire we will be open as usual, and hopefully the weather will be kind to us.
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