The Aardvark Blog
Catch up, books and forthcoming exhibitions
Catch up, books and forthcoming exhibitions
It seems like an age since Arthur last put paw to computer to complete a blog, and rest assured that it was not a result of his suddenly putting his paws up and taking a break! Things have been more than usually busy here with two successful exhibitions following immediately upon each other, and some massive stock purchasing resulting in several thousand new titles across all categories hitting the shelves.
In addition both the shop and the café have been very busy, with the latter coping admirably with some large unexpected groups of cyclists and walkers. Many thanks to the whole Aardvark team for keeping things going whilst there has been so much to do ( including finding spaces on the shelves for the massive number of new books).
In the next month we have two exhibitions starting ( Shropshire Hills Art Week and The Solstice), together with our ever popular May Bank Holiday Brocante. We are now full up for the stalls for the latter, but we will take a few reserve bookings if you would still like the opportunity to come and sell your wares. I should add if you are thinking of coming for the Brocante that we have over 30 stalls, with a wonderful range of goods on offer. We are very proud of our Brocantes which fit in somewhere between a posh antique fair and a car boot sale, and offer the chance of some genuine bargains.
Finally we have another big house clearance coming up in a fortnight, so the Aardvark shelves will be groaning with new books across all categries!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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