The Aardvark Blog
Vide Grenier, H.Art, Non-stop activity
Vide Grenier, H.Art, Non-stop activity
Since this is my first blog for a week I thought I would start by recommending the excellent programme on Pop Art on BBC4 a few nights ago. Should be available on IPlayer for a month or so. Alongside the usual culprits - and would arts documentarists stop saying that Richard Hamilton was undiscovered and unknown! - there were some really interesting segments on PopArt outside Britain and America. Three cheers for the BBC.
Here at Aardvark things have been v.busy as visitor numbers have steadily increased throughout August and at times we have been flat out to cope. Today we are just finishing off our preparations for Monday's Vide Grenier, whilst serving numerous cups of coffee ( no tea requests today for some reason). A couple of days ago I had a great call from Catherine who is now taking over the management of a garden centre café near Tunbridge Wells. I wrote her the best reference I have ever written any-one and in truth they are very lucky to have her.
H.Art is really coming together and I have been sent some wonderful pictures of new pieces by Adam Watson. With exciting new paintings by Ciara Lewis and Jane Wells, textile pieces by Su Pascoe, Adam and Sarah Cage, textile art by Bobby Britnell and sculptures by Lucy Baxendale 'Volume, Contrast, Brilliance will truly live up to its name.
Alongside this show we also have a calligraphy/stone lettering show curated by Will O'Leary. Letter carving must be in the zeitgeist at the moment, as I notice from the H.Art programme that Monnow Valley Arts are also featuring Letter Carving and also have John Neilson whose work we will be showing.
Today and yesterday we have been desperately trying to get ready for the Vide Grenier at the weekend. We are pretty much full up, but following a cancellation this morning - the dreaded summer lurgy - we have one space left in the warehouse. If you haven't booked a stall there is therefore still time to do so. Spaces cost £8 and a table if you need one is an additional £3.
Finally I have been buying books like a mad person over the last couple of weeks and lots are now in stock. I have bought a particularly nice group of detective stories, but there are also new art and textile books, and some new history.The bank holiday weekend would be a particularly good time to come over to Aardvark, and don't forget on Monday we have the Poobahs - live and unleashed. Very nice write up for the PBs and for the Vide Grenier in this week's Hereford Times leisure section.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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