The Aardvark Blog
London Bookfair, Easter Event, Latest list
London Bookfair, Easter Event, Latest list
So on Thursday Ethel and I drove our trusty hire van up to London for the London Book Fair. Needless to say we felt like country mice in the city as usual, a feeling intensified by the nightmare caused by the building works going on at Olympia where the Fair is housed. Still, we have brought back some fantastic books covering all areas of Art, Design, Photography and much more. Plus we have found a brilliant new supplier of children's books which I hope to have delivered during the Easter holidays.
The publishing industry overall seemed to my amateur eye to be in fine fettle, and I think that notwithstanding all the various problems, the future of the book is secure.
We are now fully booked with stalls for our fabulous Easter Event next Saturday. Lots of plants and stuff for your garden, as well as the usual Aardvark ecletic mix. Festivities start at 10am so make sure you arrive early to bag a bargain. And there is brilliant live music from Jack Brett at lunchtime too!
I have been having a lot of fun curating lists on recently, and having heard Ella Fitzgerald singing 'April in Paris' I have put together a fantastic Paris Booklist . No doubt there are lots of books missing from it (most notably books written by actual French people), but it reflects my mad interests if nothing else.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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