The Aardvark Blog
Quite a busy month
Quite a busy month
As the end of January hoves into sight, I can report that it has been a busier month than usual here in Aardvark Towers. There has been many a year when things were so quiet that I have been reduced to tidying the broom cupboard, but January 2016 has been made of sterner stuff. In truth at this time of year much depends on the weather, as a prolonged spell of cold and icy weather will successfully put off all but the hardiest of customers. This year the weather has been unseasonably mild, albeit with one short cold snap this last week.
But in addition to more customers, this year I have also seen many more books, as record numbers of calls have come in requesting that we view a wide range of titles. Needless to say amongst them have been some gems, and many of these have been rapidly snapped up by our growing number of online customers.
Also keeping us busy this year has been thoughts of recruitment, as we prepare for Holly leaving in the Spring. Holly was truly fantastic on BBC Countryfile last weekend as artist -in-residence at the Nature in Art Gallery this year, and as a result she has been getting lots of enquiries for her work. There will be an opportunity to see Holly's prints and originals at our exhibition 'The Garden' starting on the Easter Weekend. Very exciting. CVs and covering letters continue to arrive and if you are potentially interested in working here, please look at the job description posted on the Blog.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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