The Aardvark Blog
Post Christmas Thoughts
Post Christmas Thoughts
Was invited onto Hereford and Worcester Radio on the day before Christmas Eve, following a very kind plug from a customer. Amazingly they allowed me 5 whole minutes to ramble on on the subject of childrens books, and why books can be an important part of all our lives. Listening back to it afterwards I was glad that I kept what Ethel Aardvark calls my 'err count' to a minimum (to err is human, but an annoyance on the radio).
At the end of the broadcast the presenter asked me to complete the sentence: 'Christmas isn't Christmas without ...' , and my mind went blank, and instead of saying what he expected me to say - 'a good book' or something similar - I found myself saying 'family'. And so it is with my family that I have spent the last two days, and whilst they could not be described as restful, I would not have wanted to have spent them any other way.
Still I did sneak in some book time on the side. One of my Xmas presents this year was the new Victoria and Albert Museum book on Bawden and Ravillious and the circle of artists who surrounded them in the little Essex village of Great Bardfield. It is probably too big to go in a stocking, but I would urge every-one to put it on their Christmas list for next year.
This morning we have had a steady trickle of customers through the shop, but we have had a positive tide of online orders through over the two days that we have been shut. I have therefore been doing my best to scurry round and pick them, so as not to leave too much to do for Ethel tommorow. It truly is true that the patterns of Christmas shopping have changed, with more and more orders placed online - many of them when we were sitting down to our Christmas lunch.
Lots of good things to look forward to in 2016 beginning with the Aardvark sale in January. Also we have lots of the books I bought before Christmas to put into stock (I don't think I have ever been quite so busy buying late in the year). In the meantime we will now be open every day until the end of 2015, so don't miss out on the chance of some Aardvark Christmas cheer!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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