The Aardvark Blog
London Book Fair 2025, Spring is here, Easter Event bookings
London Book Fair 2025, Spring is here, Easter Event bookings
A week on from London Book Fair 2025 and I am just starting to feel like a human being again. All those human interactions and not getting home until 3.45am take their toll.
Still I was overwhelmed by some of the new titles I saw at the Fair. A briliant new chunky hardback series from Prestel, together with a brilliant new book on artist of the moment Anselm Kiefer. I am a long-term Kiefer fan and one of my favourite books is the signed copy of the RA catalogue his publisher gave me. Still dying to see the exhibition at the Ashmolean Oxford, and later in the year the RA have a great looking Kiefer/Van Gogh show. Meanwhile Thames and Hudson have revised and redesigned the iconic 'World of Art' series. Much more colour printing throughout and a slightly larger size. I love everything about the new WofA series except for the price (a somewhat whopping £18.95! - Is it really so long ago that I used to buy them new for £5??)
British Library have a great book on Medieval Women and a guide to becoming a medieval illuminator in the 'Art of the Scribe' (there is a new profession to get excited about!) Also, wonderful ghost stories from Edith Wharton.
Needless to say we brought back tons of new titles from the Fair, including some from publishers we haven't previously dealt with. The new books are already working their way into the shop, and should all be processed within the next couple of weeks.
This week it really seems as if Spring has arrived, with daffodils everywhere and lots of people sitting outside the bookshop on the picnic benches. I realise that this is only due to carry on for a few more days, but I am determined to enjoy it while we are allowed to.
And speaking of Spring, stall bookings are starting to come in thick and fast for the Easter Event on the 19th of April. Live music from the brilliant Jack Brett with Red Madog and lots of stalls too. Plus, the first of our two book clearance sales this year (yes, we really have that many books to find a new home for).
Many of Brampton Bryan's artists and craftspeople will also be open on that Saturday, so it will be a great time to come to the village!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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