The Aardvark Blog
What a fantastic weekend we had with the ECWS, and incredibly everybody can't wait for them to come back in 2 years time. This year we had nearly 160 re-enactors which made for the most realistic battle scenes, and the addition of more cannons and the small troop of cavalry made a big difference. Altogether a really satisfying weekend, witnessed by our biggest gate for a re-enactment weekend.
But time never stands still at Aardvark, so time to think about our upcoming events. There is still space to book a stall at the Vide Grenier on August Bank Holiday Monday. We have got our usual healthy number of bookings, but there is room for more as we like to make this event our biggest market of the year. Really looking forward to hearing Dave Luke's new line up with the Poobahs as well.
This morning I read the most interesting article in last week's New Yorker entitled 'A Ghost in the Family'. About three Mission artists McGee/Kilgallen/Rojas and the lives they have lead together ( after Maggie Kilgallen died tragically young just after having given birth). A very moving and interesting insight into some very special artists.
My thoughts are also very much involved with our H.Art show and that will be my focus next week. This week I have been buying lots of books and trying to work through the ever growing pile of books I have bought this year and not yet processed. Fortunately sales have been brisk, so there are plenty of gaps for them to be shelved into.
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