The Aardvark Blog
Summer returns
Summer returns
It only seems like yesterday that I was blogging about getting ready for the re-enactment and wow we are two weeks further on and the re-enactment is history. Many many thanks to all those visitors who came to see the English Civil War Society do their thing ( and kudos to the society members who were able to get here).
The weather on the Friday when we were setting up and on the Saturday was attrocious and I am still somewhat surprised that we were able to run the event at all ( when the concrete blocks that were keeping the tents down started to lift of the ground I knew we were in trouble). Still we aardvarkians are nothing if not resourceful and somehow we all managed to get through it ( helped by really good weather which unexpectedly arrived on the Sunday. Highest praise has to go to the young team who worked like troopers all weekend to provide food and help visitors and re-enactors. Jenny, Katy, Rowan, Lucy and Laura were all amazing all weekend - particularly on the Saturday night - and the experience of providing an evening meal to nearly 100 reenactors ( as the wind swirled around the building) is one that will live with me for ever. Thank you also to the farmers Richard, Brian and Geoff and to the Bucknell first responders ( and to our fellow residents in Brampton Bryan for putting up with the noise and inevitable disruption).
But now two weeks on we are ready to welcome visitors to our final event of the summer - the Aardvark Vide Grenier with live music from Blue Moon Blues. The weather for Monday is looking good and we have plenty of stalls with goods to choose from. There will also be a bar and hot food - so what more could you want on a Bank Holiday Monday.
Then incredibly it is only two weeks before we start our autumn programme with our H.Art memorial exhibition of the works of the late extraordinary potter Gordon Crosby, then Ludlow Food Festival and finally Abergavenny Food Festival on the 21st and 22nd of September. Before all of these however we have our launch for Katy's new novel 'wicked by design' on the early evening of the 6th of September. We were so delighted to read Katy's first adult novel 'False Lights' and to hold a launch for it two years ago. Now seemingly days later we are launching the second volume in the trilogy. Katy is a wonderful writer and the new book is a romantic whirl with danger never far away. Please join us on the 6th to celebrate - good cheer and a decent glass guaranteed!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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