The Aardvark Blog
New members of the team; Easter events; Map exhibition
New members of the team; Easter events; Map exhibition
After a thorough search we have decided on two people job sharing to take over from Catherine when she leaves in the middle of next month. Katy Moran and Hilary Marchant will be working together to fill the metaphorically large boots that Catherine has left behind.
Katy is a childrens author who has worked in both publishing and bookselling, and Hilary is by profession a university librarian, but in recent years has worked in a number of fields including at the Judges Lodgings in Presteigne. Needless to say there will be a period of adjustment, but we are very excited about working with them both.
Plans for Easter have been proceeding apace, and the Annamult prints are now back from the framer and look truly superb; this is going to be a very important exhibition, so please do drop in if you are around over the next few weeks.
Finally I have nearly finished collecting material for the map exhibition - THE PAST IS OURSELVES - which opens on the 2nd of May. The latest acquisition is one of the rarest large maps of the county, and perhaps the most unusual map we have ever shown here. If you are interested in maps or history generally, or if you have friends or family who are, make a date to come to Aardvark whilst the show is on from the 2nd to the 17th of May. So many highlights this time, and also many more smaller and reasonably priced maps of the Marches in good condition.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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