The Aardvark Blog
Saturday Morning, the wonder of David Sedaris, Carter Dickson
Saturday Morning, the wonder of David Sedaris, Carter Dickson
My morning drive this Saturday was near perfect - no traffic and Radio 3 CD Review playing Dvorak. Once here the fire lit instantly and the phone did not ring off the hook, meaning that I was able to start picking the overnight online orders before the first customer arrived.
My mood was also helped by having read a chapter of David Sedaris in the bath this morning. His description of going for speech therapy at school, reminded me so much of my own travails with the county child psychologist, that I felt instantly like we were friends. This is the genius of Sedaris, he makes every event seem so personal to the reader, that it is almost as if they are one's own experiences (his sister who was a talented artist, reminds me a lot of my sister who was a talented singer and musician). If you haven't read Sedaris yet I would urge you to do so. He really is an essential aid to the maintaining one's sanity.
When putting away some of the large group of detective fiction I just bought, I came across a green penguin by Carter Dickson and realised that I had somehow managed to exclude him from my 'D' round up in the A-Z of detective fiction. I have therefore added him to the list and apologise to any of his fans for my earlier omission.
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