The Aardvark Blog
Books, Books, Books
Books, Books, Books
After a month in which we have been full on with not one, but two fantastic textile exhibitions, this week we have moved focus full-time to buying and processing books.
Four big parcels of books have arrived at the same time, and we are groaning to be able to sort through them all and process them as quickly as possible. First in was a superb group of twelve large boxes of art and antiques. Next we had a delivery of nearly 1,500 childrens books - everything from superb paperback and hardback picture books, to educational books, reference and lots of fiction. The I bought over 600 books - many of them on horses and country pursuits. Finally Edward Aardvark got back from London with a car groaning with boxes of new books. We haven't even emptied the car yet, and this morning I am concentrating on the children's books. One of the fishing books I put on last night sold immediately online, and the antiques bookssold heavily in the shop yesterday.
New books are the life's blood of a bookshop, and there is nothing better than buying stock and bringing it home for our customers.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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