The Aardvark Blog
Christmas greetings and some sad news
Christmas greetings and some sad news
This will be the 17th Christmas we have had in Aardvark Books ( our anniversary falls next month ), and as per last year it has happened during a time of considerable national perturbation. The new variant has cast a pall across all our holidays - one which is only partially lifted by the news that it maybe less potent than its predecessors.
As an Aardvark family this has also been a challenging year as almost every staff member has suffered at the hands of the malign fates. In the case of Ethel and Arthur we have seen the loss of a beloved family member and many thanks to all who have sent messages of condolence. A funeral the week before Christmas is never the perfect launch pad for the holidays, but I confess I had so many lovely conversations and saw so many old friends that it did cheer my soul.
In a similar vein I heard today of the loss of John Salt the nationally renowned painter and stalwart Aardvark supporter particularly in our early days. John was a man of such immense modesty that it sometimes came as a shock to discover how distinguished and well thought of he was. Coming in the same year as the loss of John Challis I feel that 2021 has left us all somewhat diminished.
Yet life and enthusiasm brook no opposition and today I had a long chat with long term Aardvark collaborator Gareth Rees-Roberts with whom we are hatching musical plans for next year. And there is the prospect of a fantastic poetry event with Anna Dreda. And the return of the great Brampton Bryan re-enactment in August. And yesterday a very cheering email from Ludlow Food Festival to say that they had a successful year and that the ship is well and truly on a more even keel.
So let us have three cheers for 2021, the year that I hope we will finally emerge from land of Covidia!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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