The Aardvark Blog
New Year's resolutions 1
New Year's resolutions 1
I realise that there are a few days left before the turn of the year, but I still think that it is allowable to start putting in some work on one's thoughts for the next twelve months. Any suggestions welcome, but here is what I have come up with so far.
1) Don't just look at the countryside get out in it. We live in one of the most beautiful landscapes in the country ( perhaps in the world). Not only that but a drive of a dozen miles in any-one of the four directions of the compass will take you to an entirely different countryside. It is not that I don't appreciate it, but this last year has been so busy that I have not had enough opportunities to truly enjoy it ( very much like not going to the Ballet, Opera, Concerts, Theatre when I lived in London). When you are surrounded by great stuff it is just so easy to take it for granted. In 2018 I will try not to.
2) In 2018 I am going to try to read more and read better. I have not done too badly on the quantity this year, but the quality has been a bit shaky. After Christmas there is a new stack of books to read on the bedside table and I really need to work through them lest there be a book earthquake ( has happened before). One book I did read over Xmas is the latest Martin Walker Bruno detective story. A good and undemanding read for detective fiction fans - particularly those who count themselves francophiles.
3) In 2018 I aim to visit more bookshops. Our recent trip to London and a visit to Hatchards on Piccadilly gave me some inspiration for some changes we would like to make here. There is nothing like visiting a really good bookshop to cheer one up and make one think of improvements. We are going to have a change around in some sections in the New Year ( particularly in History), so I hope you will notice the difference next time you visit.
I think that that is enough for now. Perhaps some additional thoughts before the time of first footing.
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