The Aardvark Blog
Bank Holiday Weekend, Out of the Hills
Bank Holiday Weekend, Out of the Hills
With all the excitement for today's Royal Wedding and the FA Cup Final I hesitate to mention that next weekend is the May Half-term Bank Holiday weekend and Aardvark will be open all weekend and we also have our fabulous May Brocante on the Bank Holiday Monday.
We now have our full complement of stalls but will be taking a few reserve names just in case we have a few people drop out. With over 40 stalls this will be our biggest Brocante ever, so there is no excuse not to come along.
The following week we are launching 'Out of the Hills' a successor exhibition to the fantastic Shropshire Hills Art Week which is no longer running. With a dozen artists covering both crafts and fine art there is bound to be something for every-one. I am particularly looking forward to seeing the glass work by Jill Bagnall as that is a category of work we have never shown before.
Then beyond June we have our fabulous Jazz Brunch to look forward to on the 14th of July. Please book in advance as you can as last year this was extremely popular and we would not like any-one to be disappointed. Again we have Paul Brooks and his Ludlow Jazz collective playing for the brunch and I think every-one who was here last year would agree that the sounds they make are truly special.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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