The Aardvark Blog
Thank you for best wishes, Re-enactment, History books galore
Thank you for best wishes, Re-enactment, History books galore
As some of you may know last Monday Ethel Aardvark was involved in a car crash coming into work. Many thanks to all those who have sent in good wishes. She hopes to start to come back to work part time over the next month. By coincidence one of our customers turned up on the scene immediately after the incident, and may I take this opportunity to thank Lizzy for her kindness and practicality.
In addition to alarms and excursions, we have also been getting ready for the re-enactment on the 12th and 13th of August. Thanks are due again to the English Civil War Society for coming back to Brampton Bryan to help us to commemorate the two sieges of the castle of 1643 and 1644. Next weekend there is also an opportunity to see the castle ruins themselves on the tours run by Edward Harley during Brampton Bryan's famous Scarecrow Sunday. This event has been going for many years and is a great flagship for the village.
Finally the great wave of books continues with a large purchase of academic history last week, which are now hitting the bookshelves. I have also acquired a number of poetry and literature titles, some good current affairs and politics, and numerous novels. The shop has rarely been better stocked, and for two more days you can also enjoy the bargains of our warehouse sale where all books are a mere £0.50!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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