The Aardvark Blog
Fabulous May Brocante about to open !
Fabulous May Brocante about to open !
Stallholders are here and set up, the first visitors are starting to arrive and early deals are being done. Don't miss out, come out to the fabulous Aardvark May Brocante! No seriously we have our biggest range of stalls ever and I can't be left to buy everything ( our house is already full of bargains from previous Brocante's).
We also have the added incentive of bacon baps, live accordion music and the usual superb Aardvark Bank Holiday atmosphere. What better way to spend an overcast day.
Then also this week we are opening 'Out of the Hills' next Saturday. Our first group show of the year, and one packed full of artists new to Aardvark. I am particularly looking forward to seeing Jill Bagnall's work as we have amazingly never shown a glass artist at Aardvark. The fun kicks off at 11am next Saturday and we look forward to welcoming you then.
'Out of the Hills' will be on until the 17th of June, and after that there is a whole month off from Aardvark activities until the 14th of July when the Aardvark Jazz Brocante marks the beginning of the Aardvark Books annual two week sale. The first weekend we also offer a discount on all items in the shop, so it really pays to come early.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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