The Aardvark Blog
Tractor Alert, Easter Thanks, May Car Boot, Bank Holiday Mondays, Book Madness
Tractor Alert, Easter Thanks, May Car Boot, Bank Holiday Mondays, Book Madness
So much has been going on recently that I have forgotten to publicise the fact that the big Spring Rally of the Brimfield Vintage Tractor Club will be stopping at Aardvark Books next Sunday. If like me you have a massive attachment to ancient Fordsons and Fergies there is only one place to be this Sunday from about 11.30am onwards (I am afraid that with ancient tractors timings are a little open for change once they start out on the route). I am told to expect over 40 vehicles and frankly I cannot wait!
On the subject of events a big thank you to all the brilliant stallholders - particularly Rob from the Cottage Herbery who turned out even though his van broke down the night before on the way back from another event. The weather was fantastic, Lucy was her usual brilliant self on the Barbecue and my feeling was that visitors seemed to have a great time. We certainly enjoyed ourselves a lot, although I never did make it back to buy the wire pig I had spied on one of the stalls. Our new PDQ machines also behaved themselves. When they work they are so much quicker so hopefully long queues at the front desk on event days should soon be a thing of the past.
No sooner have we had one event than we are thinking about our next event which will be our May Car Boot on Saturday 28th. Stalls are booking up quite quickly so if you do want to come and be one of Aardvark's Brilliant Booters do not delay.
Due to the Jubilee the Bank Holidays are a bit strange this year, so to confirm we will be open for the May 2nd Monday Bank Holiday and then also open for the Thursday and Friday June Bank Holidays on the 2nd and 3rd. For this reason our May Car Boot is on a Saturday as there is no second May Bank Holiday Weekend this year.
Finally we continue to have a record number of fantastic book bargains in the shop. Either on Friday or early next week we should also be getting in the wonderful range of children's books we bought at the London Book Fair, and other bargains from that fair are already hitting the shelves (including some of the brilliant Batsford textile and art titles).
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on (modified )
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