The Aardvark Blog
Where does the time go?
Where does the time go?
I have been accused of being an erratic blogger by my fellow aardvarks and although I have demurred, I realise when looking at the list of blogs on my system that some 6 weeks have gone by since my last missive. I could plead pressure of work and life - but when has it ever been different. Perhaps the truth is that I have not had quite so much to say. Time spent listening is never wasted.
Tomorrow we have our Aardvark Christmas Fair ( 10am-4pm) which is our last event of 2018. Dutch Lewis is returning with his trio and there are also some 25 stalls of goodies ( including rare and delicious teas, Christmas greenery and wreaths, french antiques and much more). With Easter falling so late next year it also means that it is our last scheduled event for 4 months ( last year's bad weather has finally defeated my love of celebrating Valentine's Day).
But do not worry in the interim there will be lots going on as ever. Anna Dreda from Wenlock Books has started a monthly Poetry Breakfast in the café and the next breakfast will be on the 19th of December, with subsequent events on the fourth Wednesday of every month. We are also talking with Anna about a poetry day on the 7th of July, so watch this space for more details. We also have a fantastic exhibition programme, our regular markets and music events and best of all the return of the English Civil War Society on the 10th and 11th of August, who will be once again recreating the two sieges of Brampton Bryan of 1643 and 1644 ( this year is the 275 anniversary of the latter climatic siege).
But events aside I am extremely excited about the many calls and book purchasing visits that I have already got lined up for January. There has never been a better time for visitors to come to Aardvark as I truly believe that our current range of books is exceptional across most areas and the effect of the tireless work by all who work here in cataloguing and shelving books has made it much easier to navigate our stock.
So whatever surprises 2019 has in store for us, do not worry there will still be lots of fantastic books for sale at Aardvark. And art, and CDs and DVDs and cards and notebooks and much more!
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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