The Aardvark Blog
Things I forgot
Things I forgot
In my last blog there were a few items I forgot to mention , so here is a quick non-sequential list of stuff that has been on my mind.
First off local composer Eleanor Alberga was interviewed on Radio 3 about the ballet music that she has composed. Great interview. With skillful searching should be able to locate on Iplayer. Makes one look forward to this year's Arcadia music festival that she and Tom Bowes run in October.
Secondly I've just got through this year's details on Brecon Jazz. Looks an absolutely great line-up. To see for yourself visit
Last week we went to see the live RSC screening of 'Much Ado About Nothing' in Leominster. Live screenings are great and the Leominster community cinema really do them in style. There are still tickets for next week's Swan Lake apparently, so if you live in the area what are you waiting for.
Last night we went to the SMAAAK event in Kingsland with Martin Blake and his band Whisky River . I have been playing their CD in the car coming up and it is truly fab ( and a bargain at only £5 ). We had Martin and the band at last year's food festival and they were really memorable. Try to catch them if you can. Next Smaaak event is an homage to Chet Baker on the 25th of April also at the Corrie Hall, Kingsland.
Copies of Charles Watkins new book on trees are still available in the bookshop at the special price of £24. A great present for any-one interested in landscape, and as NATURE pointed out sumptiously illustrated. Reaktion the publishers did an absolutely brilliant job, and one which other publishers should take note of.
Finally some diary dates. The memorial drinks and nibbles for my late wonderful business partner Edward Tobin will still take place on Good Friday ( 3rd of April ), but have been put back until 1pm in order to allow members of Edward's family to attend. I have been thinking about Edward a lot recently as we approach the anniversary of his untimely death. How he would have been shouting at the TV yesterday when Ireland lost to Wales.
PRIVATE VIEW for Paper Wraps Stone is on the 2nd of April from 5.30-8pm. These works are truly remarkable, so please try to come to it if you can.
Fresh cake in the Café this morning, so why not cheer up a dull day by coming to the bookery.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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