The Aardvark Blog
Make Your Summer Count!
Make Your Summer Count!
My last blog for a couple of weeks, so I'd better make it count. Brampton Bryan is looking so beautiful this morning it is hard not to think that this is the only place to be. The rain of the last few days has made Harley Hill look all green and luscious, and the sky is blue and clear.
So whilst I am in a sunny and productive mood here are a few dates for the diary:
1st August - Private View for 'Crossing the Border Exhibition'; full details of this show are on the website. I have seen some of the work and am very excited about how it is going to look when it is all up. The PV time for this show is 4pm-8pm, and their will be live harp music.
2nd August - Brampton Bryan Scarecrow Sunday and Castle Opening. Throughout the year people ask me when Brampton Bryan Castle is open to the general public, and I have to tell them that it is only open on the first Sunday of August. Edward Harley's castle tours are always the highlight and it is amazing how much one learns (even when familiar with the story).
15th/16th August; ENGLISH CIVIL WAR SOCIETY; every two years the ECWS takes over Brampton Bryan, and every time they bring a bigger contingent. This time we are expecting over 100 reenactors, together with their pikes, muskets, cannons and for the first time cavalry. Much else goes on over the weekend, and it is the largest ( and quite possibly craziest) event we put on. Do not have to admit to your friends and family that you missed it - particularly when this year we have visitors coming from as far away as Australia to see the spectacle. Full details of the extensive programme are now on the website.
BOOK BURROW THURSDAYS; every thursday afternoon in August from 2pm Aardvark are laying on free classes for children in the Bookburrow. The classes are free, but need to be booked in advance so that we have an idea about numbers.
31st August 9am-3pm Vide Grenier! Lots of stalls and music from Dave Luke and the Poobahs. Bar, hot food and much more to enjoy. As close as we can get to the French original, but even better. Empty your attic and book a stall for the ridiculously cheap price of £8, or else come and fill your attic with great stuff.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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