The Aardvark Blog
Book Buying, CD Buying, Fantastic Eclipse
Book Buying, CD Buying, Fantastic Eclipse
The radio was full of helpful advice this morning on the best places to see the eclipse; Wales, the Midlands as far east as Lincolnshire. But why could they not just tell the truth. The only place to see the eclipse was from Aardvark Books as several of our customers found out. Paul was ready with his totally safe, eclipse watching device, and there was even delicious coffee and newly baked cake on hand ( looking at eclipses is after all thirsty work). Here am I looking away from the eclipse and doing a very unsuccessful selfie. And yes I am a man, notwithstanding the hair length.
This week has seen us purchase a whole string of small parcels of books. Today I bought a good box of books on all possible subjects ( including a wonderful book called 'Requisitioned' on Country Houses that were taken over by the government during the Second World War ). Last week's Sci-fi books are now all in stock, so the section is looking a little crowded. I am currently researching a rare Paperback 'Martin Magnus on Mars' by the cult British Sci-fi writer William F Temple ( not to be confused with the Archbish of similar nomenclature). Best known for the novel 'Four Sided Triangle' which was made into a very strange Hammer Sci-fi/Horror film, Temple also published a trilogy of novels on a character called Martin Magnus. The first two were published in Hardback and paperback and although not common do come along. The third novel was thought only to be published in hardback, but I have had in a paperback - probably prepared for foreign markets - published by the original publisher Frederick Muller. There are currently no copies of the book for sale, and only one copy showing up in libraries on Worldcat ( in the British Library ). How to value such a treasure ?
Also this week I have bought several hundred more classical music CDs. Unlike our last group of CDs these have a definite opera bias. Single CDs are for sale in the shop from £1-3, with multiple CDs selling from £3-10. They are starting to sell already, so do not delay on checking them out if you have gaps in your collection.
We have finished interviewing candidates to replace the irreplaceable Catherine. We have made our decision and will be telling candidates over the next day or so. If you sent in your CV and were not called in for interview, please believe me when I say that we had a very strong field and made our decision based on some fairly rigorous criteria. We will announce the name of the successful candidate next week and she will join us on the 13th of April before Catherine leaves ( I have already bulk bought kleenex as I do not expect a dry eye in the building ). Catherine has been with us for 7 years this month, and it will be very strange to come in and not see her smiling face.
Finally another reminder that the dedication ceremony for the picnic benches purchased in Edward's name will now take place at 1pm on Good Friday, rather than at 11am. This is to allow time for members of Edward's family to attend from Ireland. We have now spilt enough tears for Edward, and I am hoping that there will be nothing but laughter. All who knew Edward as friends, customers or both are welcome to attend and there will be drinks and food available ( for an event centred around Edward how could there not be ).
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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