The Aardvark Blog
Fantastic opening for 'Take Five', wonderful summer sunshine
Fantastic opening for 'Take Five', wonderful summer sunshine
A fantastic private view/opening for our new exhibition 'Take Five' this morning. The show that was put together by Rob Fountain features ceramics, prints and paintings and is a really successful interplay between 2D and 3D work. Particularly like Basil Titford's Sung Revival inspired sculptural pots. The opening was enlivened by live jazz by three of the artists and by a loud and appreciative crowd. Good sales, lots of nice comments, overall a really good vernissage (as our French friends would say).
Meanwhile I am still working through some of the books that I bought last week, and am contemplating being able to get to some of the books that I bought in the spring that are still boxed up. I have however nearly finished the boxes of Folio Society and we have one of the best Folio selections we have had - now all collected together in the same place.
A great email newsletter has just gone out explaining everything going on at Aardvark. If you don't yet receive this and would like to please send us your details via our contact form on the website.
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