The Aardvark Blog
History Weekend Preparations
History Weekend Preparations
Things are at there usual state of craziness in Aardvark today, and I have reached the point - which always happens - of wondering why I can't just run an ordinary bookshop like every-one else.
Reading today's email from Book 2 Book, apparently all you need to run a successful bookshop is to provide good service, and your problems will disappear. Here at Aardvark service is something of a watch word, but notwithstanding I am not sure that service alone is enough to ensure a successful business. I can think of a number of good bookshops whose service was legendary, that are sadly no longer with us.
Preparations for the History Weekend continue and we now have all the display boards in place, and just have the small task of hanging the various exhibitions. There will also be tables of artefacts - some relating to the picturesque and some to medieval warfare ( another theme of the weekend.
With the photographic exhibition now ready to go up as well, I am fairly confident that it should be a good weekend, celebrating the history of our wonderful corner of Britain.
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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