The Aardvark Blog
What a week its been
What a week its been
Wow what a non-stop week its been here at Aardvark. On Monday we set off in a van to Oxford, where after going round the centre of the city three times ( thank you satnav) , we finally found our destination. Some hours later we were back on the road with nearly 2,000 extremely interesting British and world history books in the van. Many thanks to Aine and Stephen for their hard work and relentless good humour ( why is it that when one moves books it always starts to rain!).
The Tuesday and Wednesday the shop was extremely busy, Arthur Aardvark found himself as a guest on Radio 5 Live discussing pubs versus cafés, whilst Ethel Aardvark was loose in the London Book Fair talking to other booksellers and publishers and even hobnobbing with Joanna Trollope who was talking about her new Jane Austen inspired novel.
Then Thursday Arthur was allowed up to the Bookfair and between us we bought some 45 boxes of mainly art titles and packed them into the van for transport back to base. It will take a bit of time to process everything we have bought recently but I can confidently say that within a few weeks the shop will be back to groaning at the seams ( things have been a bit quite and tidy recently). Thanks to the Aardvark team back in the shop for taking the strain whilst the Aardvarks were out gallivanting.
Yesterday I spent working on our next exhibition 'The Art of the Print' and I can report that it is shaping up to be a truly marvellous show. Last night we were with Stephen Cox RA looking through some of the portfolios of prints that he has produced over the years and viewing the pieces that he is preparing for inclusion in this year's Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. In the morning I was working through a portfolio of prints that I bought with another dealer last year and which I haven't seen for over 12 months. The quality of some of these images is out of this world and I am so excited to be mounting this exhibition - something that like last year's ceramics exhibiton has been in my mind to do for some time.
Talking of art there is still time to catch our current double sculpture exhibiton of works by Paul Caton and Paul Bearman, It has been a delight working with both artists and I am so glad that we have had such positive comments about the work. Don't miss out on the chance to see some inspiration work and to sit outside Aardvark enjoying a fantastic cup of coffee and a cake from our new cakemaker ( I should warn you that the Brownies are sensational).
Published by Aardvark Books Ltd on
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